taking good care

Things you never imagined

come to pass and your life

becomes a crucible in which

the lessons are ground into

a fine powder you can taste

in back of your throat.

In time, the crucible cracks,

then crumbles, and rain soaks

the powder into your heart

and the taste goes away.

By the time you soften, no

one can tell there ever was

a crucible.

And on a quiet day when the

sun pours through the clouds

and the birds seem to hover,

something you didn’t know

was in you breaks ground

with the color of the first


~Mark Nepo

simple edges and wells….

inquiry for today~ beauteous intentions…..

where was the sky when we met?

Finding out what connects us, reveling in our differences;

this is the process that brings us closer, that gives us a world of shared values,

of meaningful community.

~Bell Hooks

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