for this day too

When I run after what I think I want,

my days are a furnace of stress and anxiety;

if I sit in my own place of patience,

what I need flows to me, and without pain.

From this I understand that

what I want also wants me,

is looking for me and attracting me.

There is a great secret here

for anyone who can grasp it.


where is truth and beauty and goodness? right here….

inquiry for today~ what do you see around you?

there is stillness here…..

This morning, sitting early in my hermitage, the air is chill, the birds delirious with song,

I am grateful.

Then I read this:

“I don’t know anything about consciousness.

I just try to teach my students how to hear the birds sing.”- Shunryu Suzuki Roshi

~Roshi Joan Halifax

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