caring views

May you find the patience to hold your fragile spaces,

to be with your shaken heart through what is leaving.

May your compassionate heart offer yourself gentleness,

to keep space and welcoming for what is yet to be.

The skies are shifting, as are you.

The in between can be a lonely spot.

Doubt likes to reside here,

fear grows here when left unattended.

Trust in what you have set in motion,

ask Spirit to walk with you through the barren twists and turns.

Something is waiting to greet you on the other side of this difficult road.

Believe in magic, for that is the way to call it closer.


when the simple pleasures are the most true….

inquiry for today~ however long…we live….

forever true…..

When we come upon beautiful things, they act like small tears in the surface of the world that pull us through to some vaster space.

~Elaine Scarry

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