arranging. a little like control.

What do I believe in the depths of my soul, at this moment of my life?  What are my spiritual truths, my safety nets of belief that catch me as I tumble, amidst the everyday struggles of my life?  How do I navigate my way through the potential sludge of suffering that regularly awaits me?

I believe there is a spirit, a power, a grace in my life that is greater than I am and greater than my mind.  It is greater, I believe, than the human experience. This power is running the show, determining my reality. Call it God, call it spirit, call it intuition, call it grace or evolution, call it the great reality, or call it nothing.  There is something going on here with which I am partnered. That’s the good news—I’m not alone.

The bad news is: I forget this regularly.  I think I am in charge and attempt to control my reality.  When this happens, the results are generally not pretty. When I am operating on self-will, when I am forging forward with my intended plan for the moment, I suffer.  When I relax into what is, there is freedom and breath and ease. It’s profoundly simple, yet it is the imperfect practice that will carry me to my final breath.

~Aruni Nan Futuronsky

reveal. unfold. discover.

inquiry for today~ what keeps you from turning around and missing your life? from forgetting why?

a multisensory life

Many of the great sorrows of the world arise when the mind is disconnected from the heart. In meditation we can reconnect with our heart and discover an inner sense of spaciousness, unity, and compassion underneath all the conflicts of thought. The loving heart allows for the stories and ideas, the fantasies and fears of the mind to arise without believing in them, without having to follow them or having to fulfill them.

~Jack Kornfield

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