tiny failings

One of the most difficult aspects of the frantic rush through a busy life is that we often do not allow even the smallest notion of “completion” to enter the picture of our daily lives. We often rush from task to task, so much so that the end of one task is just the invitation to start another. There are no gaps in between in which we could take even a few seconds to sit, to take stock, to realize that we have just completed something. Just the reverse: how many times do we hear ourselves say, “I haven’t achieved anything at all today?”

If you can practice cultivating a sense of completeness- even a glimmer, right now, in this moment, with the little things of life- there is a chance that you would be better able to cope with those aspects of mind that keep telling you that you are not there yet; not yet happy, not yet fulfilled. You might learn that you are complete, whole, just as you are.

~Mark Williams & Danny Penman

who am I? who am I when I listen? who am I when I drift a little?

inquiry for today~ there’s nothing to do really….but there’s lots to sift through…..

the inadequacy of understanding

We are human beings. We are perceivers. We are an awareness. Wea see not objects. We have no solidity. We are boundless. The world of objects and solidity is a way of making our passage on earth convenient. It is only a description that was created to help us. We, or rather our reasons, forget that the description is only a description and thus we entrap the totality of ourselves in a vicious circle from which we rarely emerge in or lifetime. We are perceivers. The world act we perceive is an illusion. It was created by a description that was too to us since the moment we were born.

~Don Juan

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